Singing Guide: Nichole Nordeman

Singing Guide: Nichole Nordeman

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Nichole Nordeman's voice is one to admire. This article teaches how to learn singing like Nichole Nordeman, examining her unique vocal technique and recommending practical approaches. By emulating Nordeman's singing, you can improve your own range and pitch accuracy while learning how to harness your voice's full potential.

Nichole Nordeman is a Christian pop superstar, known for her poetic lyrics, emotive melodies, and rich tonal quality. Nordeman's singing style emphasizes depth and vulnerability, often using her voice to evoke a range of emotions in her listeners. She frequently incorporates elements like vibrato, breathiness, and dramatic pauses into her performances. Studying her style of singing can help you learn to create this same level of expression and emotion in your own voice.

One of Nordeman's unique vocal techniques is her ability to use her breath to add a sense of intimacy to her singing. She draws out her notes, creating an ethereal quality that gives her work a dreamlike quality. To develop this kind of technique in your own voice, Nordeman recommends working on breath support. This is achieved by engaging your core muscles properly when you sing, which will help you control the flow of air as you perform.

Another key aspect of Nordeman's singing is her use of dynamics. For example, she might sing softly, dropping her voice down to a whisper to create a sense of intimacy. She might then gradually increase the volume of her voice, building tension and emotion until she reaches a crescendo. To learn how to use dynamics effectively, you can practice singing along with some of Nordeman's songs, noticing when she changes her volume and how she builds tension throughout each piece.

Finally, you can improve your singing like Nordeman by focusing on vocal resonance. This is achieved by opening up your throat and mouth fully when you sing, allowing your voice to resonate fully in your vocal cavity. Nordeman sings with a clear and pure tone, allowing the full range of her voice to shine through. To enhance your vocal resonance, you can practice exercises that help you relax your throat and mouth, like the humming exercise linked in the resources.

Remember to embrace your own unique vocal qualities as you learn to sing like Nichole Nordeman. Every voice is different and has its own strengths and weaknesses. By working on the techniques that Nordeman has honed throughout her career, you can develop your own unique vocal style while strengthening the areas where you excel.

Singing Carrots has a range of resources available to help you on your journey towards singing like Nichole Nordeman. From the vocal range test and pitch accuracy test to vocal pitch monitor, the pitch training tool and song search, there's plenty of help to guide you along the way. The site also offers a 21-lesson singing course covering singing theory and practical tips. There are various exercises and videos for skill development, too, such as those for warm-up, breath, articulation, posture, and performance enhancement, all linked in the provided resources.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.